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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Connect Google Talk With Yahoo! or Windows Live Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger and MSN (Windows Live) Messenger users can chat with each other easily without changing clients. Similarly, Google is working with AOL to allow users of Google Talk connect with their AIM buddies.
Now consider a completely different scenario - how do Google Talk users talk to their friends who are using Windows Live or Yahoo! Messenger ?
Here’s a a possible solution to make voice-over IP calls between Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger for free.
1. If you are on Google Talk and want to voice chat with someone on Yahoo!, add as your Gtalk friend and then send the following message to your new buddy:
CALL [use your friends Yahoo! ID instead of xyz]
2. If you are on Yahoo! Messenger and want to connect with a Google Talk user, add to your Yahoo! buddy list and send the following message:
CALL [use your friends Google Talk ID instead of xyz]
For more details visit GTalk2VoIP and their blog.

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